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Military Cards and Care Packages

Supporting Our Military

As a church, we are collecting items to send to deployed members of the military. We are also accepting thank you for your service cards that are signed with a nice note and your first name. Please click on the contact button if you would like more information.

Items that are needed

There are many items that can be sent to our deployed troops. Some good ones are cookies, crackers, individual packets of peanuts, pringles, drink mixes, peanut butter, tuna fish, ready to eat chicken and crackers, cans of fruit with tabs, beef or turkey jerkey, M&Ms, skittles. 

Fun items may be water baloons, craft items, blankets, bubbles, puzzles, puzzle books, small games, small toys, and books.


Items that CANNOT be sent: pork products (Slim Jims), Aerosol cans, batteries, nail polish, and anything flammable

Craft Donations

July 08, 2016

We are accepting craft donations to sell at the French Creek Gathering on July 8th and 9th. If you would like to donate anything please see Amy or Chris. Please plan on stopping by our booth to purchase some items to help send care packages.

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